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Accreditation solution Tap2Go

Accreditation (access) control – tap2go

We are often faced with the registration of arriving guests (participants) to the event or a more complicated situation where different guests or participants can only enter certain events. And when it is necessary not only to admit guests, but also to record them, there is a lot of inconvenience in registering each passage or you need to look for expensive equipment, such as e.g. turnstiles. This kind of equipment is not always possible to install only temporarily or in many cases it is unnecessary, expensive or too complicated.

Tap2go solution is a simple and effective way to solve such registration problems. All data is aggregated (or imported) and stored in an online system on our servers. You only need a mobile phone in which your employee checks and registers arriving guests or participants with the help of NFC passes.


  • Fast and convenient accounting and authorization verification
  • Effective reports that can be generated in real time
  • Economical and efficient solution
  • A solution that usually does not require additional equipment
  • No need to own your own server hardware and software
  • Unlimited number of control devices
  • A modern solution


  • Gathering of participants
  • Different levels of access according to the type of participants and the type of event
  • Automatic generation of accreditation (permit) templates
  • Reports

Scopes of application:

Corporate events, conferences, public events, other mass gathering places.

Use in KINO PAVASARIS events:

Contact about this solution